Sunday, September 9, 2012


More than twice as many people tuned into a rerun of "Big Bang Theory" on CBS than tuned into the Republican convention on the same network.
Most Americans, sadly, will make their choice for who will run the country based on the bumper sticker slogan.
On Thursday's coverage of the Democratic convention, the television moderators spent almost a half an hour bashing Romney because he did not thank the troops in his acceptance speech the previous week.
THAT is their issue?
Never mind that the media's candidate, an illegal alien from Kenya, promised four years ago to bring those troops home in SIX MONTHS.
And they're still dying for nothing.
How about Romney promises to thank the troops if Obama apologizes to them for lying to them. And then they both produce a friggin' birth certificate that was not forged by a kindergarten kid on a iPad?
Don't get me wrong-I do not think Romney is really an improvement over Obama, and quite frankly I am torn between the Constitution party candidate, Virgil Goode Jr. and another write-in vote for Ron Paul.
And let me tell you-I will not consider either of those choices a wasted vote-I am tired of voting for someone I do not want to be President just because the other candidate is a bigger idiot.
The video below from The Daily Show, although intended as comedy, sadly is an accurate reflection of what our politics aspire to-mediocrity.
Amid all the mudslinging, this may be the best campaign ad we see for the incumbent.

What we really need to do is switch to a policitcal system that the average American can wrap their arms around.

And to that certain follower of mine-don't forget our bet! You're gonna owe me ANOTHER blizzard if we get four more years of the illegal alien in the White House! What's two blizzards adjusted for hyperinflation?


  1. It's good to see the return of 'BACK IN THE USSR'.

    >>...And then they both produce a friggin' birth certificate that was not forged by a kindergarten kid on a iPad?

    HA! Good line.

    >>...frankly I am torn between the Constitution party candidate, Virgil Goode Jr. and another write-in vote for Ron Paul.

    I'm giving some serious thought to voting for Susan Daniels. Since she went to all the trouble of jumping through the necessary hoops to make herself a legitimate write-in candidate in order to ensure that the courts could not summarily dismiss her lawsuit against Obama by claiming she “doesn’t have standing”, I’m thinking she deserves my write-in vote. Particularly since she has no less a chance of getting into the White House than does the Constitution Party candidate, or even Dr. Paul.

    >>…What's two blizzards adjusted for hyperinflation?

    I think it’s 666 ounces of Blizzard. But then again, my math answers are usually wrong.

    Nappy and I just got home from a movie theatre where we went to see ‘2016: OBAMA’S AMERICA’, surprisingly one of the top ten money-making films of 2012, and now one of the highest grossing documentaries of all time.

    I’m still sticking with what I said before and for all the same reasons. It will be a tight presidential race, but Obama is going to lose (unless ACORN can register enough illegal aliens and dead people to vote him into office a second time).

    ~ D-FensDogg
    ‘Loyal American Underground’

  2. Sadly, Stephen, the only benefit I would get out of being right, or detriment out of being wrong, would be the blizzard.

    Whether Obama or Romney wins, America loses!

    Susan Daniels would also be an interesting choice.

    I'd like to see an alternative candidates get enough votes (a percent or two) to be noticed. I've read a couple of things lately where it seems like a lot of write-in votes for Dr. Paul are expected.

    How fast will 666 ounces of blizzard melt in the coming apocalypse?


  3. I'll be voting against Obama which for me means biting the bullet and voting for Romney. I'm not happy with him, but we need to get Obama out of the White House and no independent has a chance of doing that unless we get a last minute surprise.

    Tossing It Out

  4. >>...Whether Obama or Romney wins, America loses!

    That's an absolute fact.

    >>...I'd like to see an alternative candidates get enough votes (a percent or two) to be noticed. I've read a couple of things lately where it seems like a lot of write-in votes for Dr. Paul are expected.

    Yeah, I understand that thinking because I felt the same way in the last election. Whereas I had previously voted for the candidate from The Constitution Party, in 2008 I voted for Ron Paul, and I was hoping everyone else who would normally vote for The Constitution Party candidate would also write in "Ron Paul" so that it would attract enough attention that future voters might consider voting outside of the mainstream choices (i.e., the nominated Republican and Democrat candidates).

    This year, I'm thinking more along the lines of: "saving this country is already a lost cause". And whereas I wouldn't ordinarily vote for a female leader (in keeping with Biblical principles), Susan Daniels deserves a vote for her devotion to, and her pursuit of, the truth. Besides, she hasn't a prayer of winning anyway.

    >>...How fast will 666 ounces of blizzard melt in the coming apocalypse?

    0.06 seconds.

    ~ D-FensDogg
    'Loyal American Underground'

  5. Lee-

    I just can't bring myself to vote for another candidate I don't want to see get the job.


    Hear-we'd talked about this before (RP write-in), and I'm still on the fence which way to go. The Libertarian candidate has a few beliefs that preclude me from voting for him, but I do like what I have read about Goode so far.

    Maybe I'll re-read your post and read up on Susan Daniels.

    Heck, if all else fails, I can always write in Al Gore-he'll save the planet!


  6. Yeah, it's highly unlikely I would ever vote for a Libertarian candidate (there are always a number of issues in which I disagree wholeheartedly with the Libertarian Party).

    On the other hand, I have ALWAYS liked the presidential candidates promoted by The Constitution Party (and would always vote for them when Ron Paul wasn't an option).

    >>...Heck, if all else fails, I can always write in Al Gore - he'll save the planet!

    Yeah, right after he gets done inventing the next "Internet".

    ~ D-FensDogg
    'Loyal American Underground'

  7. I read on the Internet that Al Gore invented the Internet-and they can't post anything on the Internet that isn't true!

    Gary Johnson's position on your number one issue (which you and Alan Keyes have convinced me SHOULD be the number one issue were enough to turn me away.

    If you can rationalize murdering an innocent life, how can you be trusted for anything else?


  8. >>...If you can rationalize murdering an innocent life, how can you be trusted for anything else?

    I agree 100%.
    Any candidate who can't pass that first test can't have my vote regardless of how much we otherwise see eye-to-eye.

    ~ D-FensDogg
    'Loyal American Underground'
