Sunday, September 29, 2013


Let me start with, I am nothing but sympathetic to the workers that the shutdown would impact financially.

While I think a stoppage of Federal activity would do a lot of businesses who depend on the taxpayers for their existence a chance to rethink the wisdom of that business model, anyone who would not get a paycheck in the event of a shutdown would have my sympathy.

Sadly, this is all going to be over political posturing rather than an actual attempt to look at the SIZE of our government and maybe make some CHANGES.

The chances of averting a partial shutdown of the federal government seemed to vanish Sunday as leading members of Congress blamed their opponents for being unwilling to come to an agreement on a spending bill keep government operations running.

Bipartisan accord did seem likely on at least one point: that the Senate will concur to a bill passed by the House Saturday night that would ensure that members of the Armed Forces get paid even if there is a partial government shutdown.

That bill also ensures that civilian Defense Department personnel, Department of Homeland Security personnel, and outside military contractors whose jobs involve support of active-duty military members would also get paid as they normally do.

 “Why won't the president negotiate and come to a compromise about trying to make Obamacare less bad?" asked Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., on CBS’s Face the Nation.

The Kentucky conservative said that Obama was “the one saying, ‘I will shut down government if you don't give me everything I want on ‘Obamacare.’ That, to me, is the president being intransigent and being unwilling to compromise.”

As much as I like Senator Paul, both sides are guilty of drawing lines in the sand.

While he has taken it to record heights, Obama did not invent deficit spending. The government has lived beyond its means for a long time.

While I think a long hard look needs to be taken at where the government spends money, I wonder whether the military, many who live on bases and are provided meals, should be paid in favor of other Federal employees who are the sole source of support for their families.

As usual, the Federal government is making a decision for the photo op rather than thinking through the implications. They get to put on their misty-eyed face and say “the members of our armed forces who are placing their lives on the line” and conjure images of soldiers huddled on a battlefield and win over a largely jingoistic and warmongering voting block.

Meanwhile, a Federal file clerk being paid a government salary will have to figure out how to buy groceries during a shutdown.

I wonder-will the Senate and Congress still be paid? What about the White House staff?

Maybe if these idiots had to tighten their belts a little we’d see some progress.
The truth is, I do not believe Obamacare will be defunded, nor do I believe the government will shut down.
The opinion on whether or not Obamacare is a good thing is split almost equally on party lines. There is no mandate from the people either way.
And quite frankly, if the government were to shut down for an extended period, I think Washington knows there is enough intelligence left in America that the people would figure out they don't really need them.
Now if we could just get the television networks to shut down at the same time...


  1. "Now if we could just get the television networks to shut down at the same time..."

    Right now, the only network on at my place is NFL red zone...

    1. CW-

      If I could figure out an on-line solution for NFL football I'd dump cable. Even Fox News bugs me most of the time (although I admit I kind of like Huckabee's show).


  2. Interesting commentary on what is going on with regard to both sides of the aisle. I frankly cannot believe the threats that Obama is issuing linking a government shutdown to the passing of Obamacare. Seriously, what does one have to do with the other???? Nothing - except that the President is saying that if you don't go along with my bad healthcare bill I am going to not pay seniors, federal employees, and the disabled. This is a crime given that these same people paid into a system their entire working lives and count on it in their retirement. Many seniors are limping along financially as it is. As inflation continues to rise (because the Federal Reserve continues to print money like it is going out of style) everyone's dollar is not worth what is used to be. Starving the elderly doesn't seem like it is a solution to anything. However, that might be just my opinion....

    And Obamacare is still a bad bill. Also, my opinion...

    1. Robin-

      Maybe this is a "boy" thing, but Obama is playing the "I'm taking my ball and going home card."

      I would feel less bad against a shut down if the people forcing it would also not be paid...but what a surprise, according to Fox News, Congress gets paid in the event of a shut down.

      I say, let the Obama's cook and clean for themselves for a week-then we'll see how committed they are to this mess!

      And you're right-as the Fed continues to print money, our dollars will be worth less and less (including dollars owned by anyone who actually HAS retirement savings).

      Gee-is that a coincidence?

      The one thing that the liberals who vilify the wealthy (but do not seem to mind overpaid entertainers and atheletes) are getting right is, that under that scenario, the rich keep getting richer.

      And coincidentally, the rich control the political puppet strings.



    >>... Meanwhile, a Federal file clerk being paid a government salary will have to figure out how to buy groceries during a shutdown.

    When you work for the devil, you're bound to get burned.

    >>... I do not believe Obamacare will be defunded, nor do I believe the government will shut down.

    I couldn't agree more. This is all just a big show meant to further convince the Americonned Sheeple that "there's a war on" between two parties (both of which are secretly working toward the New World Order). It's just the latest act in the play titled 'Divide & Conquer'.

    >>... The opinion on whether or not Obamacare is a good thing is split almost equally on party lines.

    Truth is, EVERYONE knows it's a bad thing, but when you work for the devil, what's bad is "good".

    ~ D-FensDogg
    'Loyal American Underground'

    1. McDogg-

      Agree on your first comment, but how is it fair even to the devil that Congress will still get paid and the file clerk won't?

      I'm not sure I agree on your last comment-I think far too many Americans do not think further on an issue than "Democrat-good" which makes up the 31% in favor of it. The 41% opposed are grunting "Republican good-Obama bad."

      That leaves 28% who did not answer the phone because they were too busy playing the "new" Madden NFL video game.

      And for the record, Obama cannot be the devil. I'm not even sure he qualifies as a henchman.

      After his birth certificate forgery, he's proven to be far too stupid.

      No one could challenge God, be cast out of Heaven, rule over the underworld and command a legion of demons, be the force that will unleash Armageddon, AND be behind the NFL "tuck rule..."

      ...and produce that feeble a forgery.


    2. >>... how is it fair even to the devil that Congress will still get paid and the file clerk won't?

      Since when was the devil concerned about "fairness"? Congress has done more to support the devil's designs than has the file clerks, so... file clerks get burned first; Congress later.

      >>... I'm not sure I agree on your last comment - I think far too many Americans do not think further on an issue than "Democrat-good" which makes up the 31% in favor of it. The 41% opposed are grunting "Republican good-Obama bad."

      Well, actually, when I said "EVERYONE", I was referring solely to everyone in Congress. And, yes, even the Democrat congressmen know it's a bad thing... but they work for the devil, remember?

      However, even most of the Americonned People also know it's a bad thing. The last poll result I heard had about 71% of Americans saying they opposed ObamaCare. The percentages that think it's a good thing or are undecided are probably all or nearly all straight party line Dumb-O-Crats.

      ~ D-FensDogg
      'Loyal American Underground'

    3. Funny how the polls are so varied-my poll with the 41% opposed to Obamacare was a week or so old....

      Well with about two hours left to the deadline both sides are still playing "double-dog-dare" and O'Kenya is still saying "You can't stop Obamacare" in his Goldfinger voice.

      How our government has fallen...


  4. Read your post and was mentally formulating a comment (always a dangerous endeavor). THEN I read the comments and quite literally 'laughed out loud' at STMc's comment 'when you work for the devil, you're bound to get burned'. That about sums the whole thing up, don't ya think?
