Wednesday, July 3, 2013


President Obama pressed ahead last week with his climate change agenda, calling for new regulations on coal-fired power plants and setting a new condition for the approval of the controversial Keystone pipeline.

"We need to act," Obama said, in an address at Georgetown University.

Obama claimed climate change is having "profound impacts" on the planet and must be addressed. He called for the U.S. to lead the world in a "coordinated assault" on the issue.

Of course, our fearless alien leader cannot provide any details on what those “profound impacts” are….even Al Gore came up with a video! 

But, America, still enamored with the Man From Kenya, kisses his butt and eats his doo-doo up, so Barry O unveiled his controversial platform plank and said he was ordering the Environmental Protection Agency to create the first-ever carbon emissions limits for existing power plants.

An adviser's comment ahead of the speech caused additional turbulence for the administration, as critics seized on it to claim the administration was unfairly targeting the coal industry. Ahead of the speech, White House climate adviser Daniel P. Schrag reportedly told The New York Times that a "war on coal" is needed.

"The one thing the president really needs to do now is to begin the process of shutting down the conventional coal plants. Politically, the White House is hesitant to say they're having a war on coal. On the other hand, a war on coal is exactly what's needed," he said. 

Obama took a confrontational tone during part of the speech. Toward the end, he said: "We don't have time for a meeting of the flat-earth society."

He listed a string of proposals. Among them, he said he is directing his administration to allow enough renewables on public lands to power 6 million homes by 2020, effectively doubling the capacity from solar, wind and geothermal projects on federal property.

Apparently, the billions he’s already wasted on such projects is now forgotten.

Obama also called for $8 billion in federal loan guarantees to spur investment in technologies that can keep carbon dioxide produced by power plants from being released into the atmosphere.

In taking action on his own, Obama is also signaling he will no longer wait for lawmakers to act on climate change, and instead will seek ways to work around them. As Emporer, Obama obviously feels that the separation of powers and checks and balances imposed by that silly little Constitutiton are an annoyance, and so once again will usurp authority as he sees fit.

And Americans, too busy wondering who will win Dancing With The Stars, will let him.


So let's review! 

(1) Obama ridicules people who challenge his green agenda, even though there is just as much evidence refuting global warming as supporting it.

(2) Obama has declared a "war" on fossil fuels.

(3) Knowing he cannot get the approval of Congress and the Senate, Obama is going to "get around' them through misuse of executive orders.

(4) Obama's American citizenship is still in dispute.

(5) Obama is a horse's rear end who somehow fooled most of the people some of the time not once, but twice.


  1. 1. That is all a liberal elitist knows how to do. Go rattle the cage of the Freedom From Religion Foundation drones, and see what you get.

    2.Next he'll demand we build a time machine and send the Marines in to wipe out the dinosaurs before they turn into coal. (And yes, I know that plants made coal, but who am I to argue with Barry?)

    3.Key point here is "misuse" rather than Use. Well put!

    4. Only a worthwhile point in the abstract. He is president, that is substantive reality.

    5. Actually, I disagree here. The Obama voters were the horse's rear. He just comes forth from them.

    1. CW-

      If a time machine gets built, I want to send a couple of terminators back to Kenya and Hawaii in the early 1960's....

      I am with you on #4 by the way-I thought it was a dead issue by mid-2009. Even if he admitted to being a loyal Kenyan today, a majority of Americonneds are simply too enamoured with him to want him out of office.

  2. >>... (1) Obama ridicules people who challenge his green agenda, even though there is just as much evidence refuting global warming as supporting it.

    I disagree. There is MORE evidence disputing Global Warming in general than there is supporting it. And if we're talking not about GW in general, but specifically about "Anthropogenic Global Warming", there is LITTLE to NO evidence in support of it.

    [Any Brain-dead Libs out there want to argue that last point with me? Let's get to the debate, 'cause I'm your huckleberry. ...Gee, I hope I can win that argument. The uncertainty makes me nervous.]

    In short, when it comes to Global Warming, Barack Obama is lying. As my friend Gomer Pyle would say: "Well, suhprise, Suhprise, SUHPRISE!"

    >>... (2) Obama has declared a "war" on fossil fuels.

    Yeah. It's in keeping with his "war on America".

    >>... (3) Knowing he cannot get the approval of Congress and the Senate, Obama is going to "get around' them through misuse of executive orders.

    Executive Orders, eh? Hmmm... I've read the U.S. Constitution countless times. I've even studied it in great detail, and for the life of me, I can't seem to find the term "Executive Order". It must be buried in that same small print that mentions "separation of church and state".

    >>... (4) Obama's American citizenship is still in dispute.

    Regardless of WHERE he was born, he could be removed from the White House and put in a Federal Prison next month... if the Republican party really wanted that to happen. The best friend Obama ever had is the Republican party.

    >>... (5) Obama is a horse's rear end who somehow fooled most of the people some of the time not once, but twice.

    I'd even go so far as to call him a "horse's ASS". He'd better hope the power of Muhammad trumps the power of Jesus when the latter returns, otherwise, his equine ass is going to be in a very hot stall.

    ~ D-FensDogg
    'Loyal American Underground'

    1. I don't think you and I need to debate on number 1.

      Whether or not there is "as much" or "more" evidence, we're making the same point-that the global warming people (Obama and his folly-ers) put their side forth as irrefutable, yet there is plenty of evidence to refute it.

      Interesting that I had the same problem finding the term "executive order" in the Constitution. It must be among all those checks in balances our founding fathers put in place to prevent someone from making themselves a king.

  3. Hmmm... What the--?! I submitted a comment here, but it ain't showin'. Did the Blogspot Bug eat it or sumpin'?

    ~ D-FensDogg
    'Loyal American Underground'

    1. was not there when I first brought up the dash, but I went back out and there it was...and up there it is!
